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I am somewhat of a soloist with my thoughts, sometimes feeling like I have come up with a really original idea, or a very unique way of looking at a situation in my life, but not really sure with whom I should share it. Now I just share it with my blog. How therapeutically relaxing it has become. All I need to do is to write it out, and whether someone else agrees or not is no longer an important part of sharing it to me. If someone else can align themselves or something in their lives with my thought process, I am glad that they got something out of it, but it is basically for clearing my own mind.
I find myself stockpiling different ideas that I come across in everyday life to share with my blog. I feel like I have found a new best friend! It listens intensely, remembers from post to post and never judges. It only shares my secrets with those I choose to share them with and never talks behind my back. The best part is that it doesn't even charge me for clinic visits!
Until next time......
Exactly what I love about blogging!