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I accompanied my husband to the VA hospital in Des Moines today where he had an optometry appointment. He had also been able to schedule consecutive appointments to have a pair of diabetic shoes fit in physical therapy, and a new c-pap unit programmed specifically for him by the sleep clinic. I was incredibly impressed, as he was treated with such professionalism, by caring individuals who were empathetic, thorough and extremely knowledgable within their fields. He arrived exactly on time for each appointment and was seen immediately. Each practicianer took the time to review his records online and confer with him regarding the history that applied to the area he was being treated for. He was given detailed explanations on what procedures were being implemented and why, as well as how to utilize the various supplies and equipment that he was being issued.
I was equally impressed by a partial conversation I overheard by an orderly with the supply clerk, and although I did not catch the details, I heard the orderly question the clerk on whether something or the other was not a waste of resources. The clerk replied that it was something that should be brought up in their next staff meeting.
I wondered if this same careful evaluation of resourse management was taken by other medical facilities, somehow doubting it. Maybe, just maybe...our government knows enough about finding the right people to run an efficient and effective health care system after all!
Until next time......
The few times my husband has been to the VA I have been very impressed with the organization of the place, the friendliness of the people who worked there, and the professionalism, too. I have yet to see the horror stories in person that we are led to beleive exist by the news media.